Posts Tagged ‘veteran’s benefits’

Veterans Affairs Funding A No-brainer Says Hughes

Veterans Affairs Funding A No-brainer Says Hughes

Canada just marked Remembrance Day, an occasion where we show our support and commitment to the brave men and women who have served, and continue to serve our country. Despite that sentiment, political promises made to veterans do not always translate into action.  That has been the case for [Read more]

“Conservatives set the bar low for sound economic management” says Hughes

“Conservatives set the bar low for sound economic management” says Hughes

You may remember how money earmarked to secure the border actually built gazebos in Tony Clement’s riding in preparation for the G8/G20 meetings before those chin-wags were ultimately moved to Toronto.  At the time the story was eclipsed by the $2 million fake lake in the media centre for the [Read more]

“Auditor General Report should be outline for government action” Says Hughes

“Auditor General Report should be outline for government action” Says Hughes

Michael Ferguson, Canada’s Auditor General (AG), reported to parliament this week and his findings are enough to keep the place busy for a long time.  Among them is a worrisome claim that the government’s budgets are not even analyzed by Finance Canada until months after they have been [Read more]

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