Posts Tagged ‘tournament’

North Stars Midget Girls 2 For 2

North Stars Midget Girls 2 For 2

By Chris Hewson  The Schreiber North Star Midget Girls improved their tournament record to 2 wins in as many starts this season. Our girls played in the 14th Annual Kathy Sanders Memorial Girls Hockey Tournament in Dryden over the weekend of January 10 – 12th. In addition to the North Stars, [Read more]

Lloyd on his way to NSSSAA

Lloyd on his way to NSSSAA

...leave it behind in his locker to rot not wanting to stand out or being embarrassed (I was never on many sports teams but my freinds and I always loved extra food, as I mentioned so have his friends when I've done stuff, so I don't really understand his view on this but still try to respect it [Read more]

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