Posts Tagged ‘SLA’

Citoyen de Dubreuilville célébrer au parlement [English version included]

Citoyen de Dubreuilville célébrer au parlement [English version included]

Scroll down for English version La Députée Hughes fait l’éloge au parlement d’un citoyen de Dubreuilville faisant de la sensibilisation à la SLA OTTAWA, ON  – Juin sera le mois de la sensibilisation à la sclérose latérale amyotrophique (SLA); pour l’occasion, [Read more]

Ontario Satisfied With Softwood Lumber Decision

Ontario Satisfied With Softwood Lumber Decision

January 21, 2011 McGuinty Government Pleased With International Ruling On Softwood Exporters Ontario is pleased with an international tribunal’s decision to limit an additional export tax on Ontario softwood lumber to only one-tenth of a per cent (0.1 per cent). This is dramatically lower [Read more]

Lowest Gas Prices in Northshore AND Greenstone
Ontario Gas Prices provided by