Posts Tagged ‘rheumatologist’

Living with MS – 05.18.09

I am pretty much in the same shape these days as I have been all year other than 3 good weeks in March when the IV Steroids I received successfully reduced my symptoms (fatigue, pain, weakness in legs, etc).  I go to the hospital for dilaudid injections to make the bone/muscle pain (neuropathic [Read more]

Appointment w/Dr.Roddy

Title: Appointment w/Dr.Roddy Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario Description: Appointment with specialist, rheumatologist, Dr.Roddy trying to determine if there is something other than MS causing all my joint problems !!! Date: 2009-05-05 The appointment went well… I was very lucky that Dr. Roddy [Read more]

Thunder Bay

So, I didn’t get around to bringing my van in to get fixed.  This is a HUGE problem as the garage is closed today and we should be leaving first thing in the morning (or tonight would’ve really been best).  I did get an offer from a friend to drive us which is really thoughtful!  [Read more]

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