Posts Tagged ‘preventing diabetes information’

Diabetes Health & Wellness by Jackie Jung CDE, RN

Diabetes Health & Wellness by Jackie Jung CDE, RN

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes In the first two articles I talked about Risks for developing Type 2 diabetes and explained the physiology of Pre-Diabetes.  See:  To review:  All people destined to develop type 2 [Read more]

Health & Wellness by Jackie Jung, R.N., C.D.E.

Health & Wellness by Jackie Jung, R.N., C.D.E.

Preventing Diabetes Last time we talked about what Prediabetes meant, how it was diagnosed and what risk factors were for developing it.  This article will continue with preventing prediabetes and diabetes.  Let’s review – “Prediabetes” is a condition in which your blood glucose [Read more]

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