Posts Tagged ‘Parenting’

Daddy’s back

Emeraude was thrilled yesterday when she spoke to her father on the phone and he announced that he would be back home today.  He has been working out of Hearst & Kapuskasing for some time now and had, when he left 2 weeks ago, not thought he would return until the 2nd or 3rd week [Read more]

Natural Science – Feb.26.09

Natural Science – Feb.26.09

Bird feeders Emeraude & I begun yesterday then completed & hung this morning. It was a lot of fun and she is beautiful. There is a post I have begun writing about this and then the unfortunate events that occurred later in our day but I am too angry & just downright sad for both [Read more]

Helmets the new trend at Kiwissa Ski Centre

Helmets the new trend at Kiwissa Ski Centre

...word spread fast that anyone wearing a helmet could enter their name into a free draw to win an I-Pod Touch... [Read more]

Another experiment Feb 19th

Another experiment Feb 19th

Emeraude is often asking to eat snow so I thought this was a good experiment to let her see for herself why I prefer that she doesn’t.  She picked up these ‘ice balls’ from the side of the road and we intend to do the experiment again with some snow from the backyard. [Read more]

Snowshoeing & Skiing Saturday

Snowshoeing & Skiing Saturday

Emeraude’s weekend was quite eventful and she had a lot of fun with Daddy.  Friday night Emeraude and I had our movie night, ate popcorn and cuddled on the couch as is our tradition.  Lloyd had plans with friends and had opted out but only after we had supper and making sure Emeraude [Read more]

Gross Motor Skills Program

Gross Motor Skills Program

 Monday the Family Place’s Gross Motor Skills Program started at the Rec Centre.   I have to say that Emeraude did enjoy herself,very much.  I was so impressed with her when at the beginning of the class she suggested follow the leader and then asked to be the leader and did a great job [Read more]

The science of clouds with Emeraude

The science of clouds with Emeraude

Lloyd gave Emeraude a great cloud book this Christmas which is perfect for her age and will be for years to come. It lists the types of clouds, how they are named and what weather to expect when each cloud type is seen…  And I was very much looking forward to the opportunity to take [Read more]

Family Place Fun

Family Place Fun

I was in pretty bad shape this morning but really wanted Emeraude to have some fun in spite of this… I went to the hospital as early as I could stand on my wobbly legs for an injection of pain meds and then the cab was picking us up to go to the family place [Read more]

under the weather

under the weather

day 3 steroid treatment did not go so well… the treatment was okay, the results PLtheRhhh (that’s a raspberry & thumbs down). my face really is as red as it appears on the photo :S (that’s the steroids). Emeraude was sweet enough to come keep me company as I received my [Read more]

Cercle des amis

Cercle des amis

Un autre beau matin passé au ‘Family Place’ avec Linda elle nous fait tellement bienvenue, j’adore y allé quand elle est là.  Emeraude a fait un beau bricolage de Noël (un autre des talents de Linda, elle met beaucoup d’effort à trouver des bricolages qui sont [Read more]

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