Posts Tagged ‘pain’

PATHLIGHT: Condolences

PATHLIGHT: Condolences

Originally from the U.S., Annie earned her Canadian Citizenship in 2013. Annie & her Husband live in Pic River First Nation.  She works as full-time as an Adult Mental Health and Addictions Therapist at the Marathon office of North of Superior Counseling Programs. Annie Wenger-Nabigon, MSW, [Read more]

Artiste & Living with MS

Artiste & Living with MS

  Je ne suis pas en très bonne forme ces jours-ci, v’la une couple de semaine j’ai réaliser que mes médicaments ne faisait plus effets; cela est normal avec des opioïdes, ton corps s’habitue et il faut re-ajuster). Je suis allé à l’urgence – c’est là que [Read more]

Saturdays, sunshine and soccer

Saturdays, sunshine and soccer

Cleaning day but the sun is shining out and Lloyd is running away to work at the children’s festival so what do we do? postpone until tomorrow? nope, have the first of three youth soccer photo days; tomorrow Primary & Seniors are tomorrow at 13h, which I am very much looking forward to. [Read more]

Acupuncture appointment…

Acupuncture appointment…

To say I was dissapointed would be such an understatement… Thursday (day before the appointment) I spoke with the acupuncturist, to talk to her about the possibility of me being late. I explained to her that since I am not on a schedule (my doctor refuses to order my pain meds as being [Read more]

May 19, 2009

It has been another very long day. I had such severe pain as I came near my 4 hr injection times it was hard to deal with (mostly tireing and frustrating that I had to go to the hospital as I now know I have other options that should be made available to me and [Read more]

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

So, we ended up making our toilet paper puppets instead of the pipe cleaner creatures although I did show Emeraude a quick version of the pipe cleaner creatures while Lloyd was in the grocery store and we were waited in the van and she agreed that it is a definete must-do for another day :).  [Read more]

Yet another free ride…

Couldn’t wait to post my update on MS happenings for the week after this morning I received yet another free ride from yet another new driver… As Vickie, who became my angel in past weeks driving me constantly, not only to the hospital here in town 3 and 4 times a day but even to [Read more]

Pipe Cleaner Creatures |

Pipe Cleaner Creatures |

Pipe Cleaner Creatures and more creative crafts projects, templates, tips, clip-art, patterns, and ideas on Emeraude and I are going to try these this afternoon & we will post our creations afterwards. For now I hope these will inpire you, instructions can be found at the [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

It has been a long, complicated frustrated week but as usual, my children kept me focused and on getting back on my feet no matter what. I have had alot of difficulty sleeping and so the blog has suffered. I hope to catch up on posting the major events of the week this weekend but [Read more]

Youth Soccer Program

Youth Soccer Program

Emeraude’s first soccer games this week were a success J. She took part in her very first organized, team sport Tuesday & Thursday as a member of Team Canada in the Primary League. Each spring, the Township of Manitouwadge Leisure Services Department offers a Youth Soccer Program to kids from [Read more]

Living with Multiple Sclerosis

The last 2 weeks have been very long and yet have flown by so quickly… Last week we travelled to Thunder Bay, an expense I could not afford for an appointment I did not feel was in any way necessary which made it quite stressful and I am still trying to figure out how I [Read more]

may 12 2009

may 12 2009

Posting photos for now, will try and fill in the story later as time permits (and pain levels… having a worse than usual day for pain). [Read more]

Spring Cleaning – flower beds

Spring Cleaning – flower beds

Though I have to be aware of how much physical activity I do, I have come to realize that in regards to living with multiple sclerosis it does not seem to generally make a difference as to fatigue or pain levels afterwards.  Having said that, keep in mind that no two people diagnosed with multiple [Read more]

Hotel Fun

Hotel Fun

Once I was in, although it hurt at first (very painful pins and needles, much more pronouced and sharper then the kind of pins & needles you might feel when your foot falls asleep) and my skin felt very uncomfortable, the heat went deep to make the pain back off somewhat or as they describe it in [Read more]

Exploring the world around us

While in Thunder Bay I had to visit the emergency department of their hospital several times for pain injections to help me manage the bone pain I have been feeling in my legs, feet, hands and arms as symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Lucky for me, the children & Vickie chose to accompany me on [Read more]

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