may 12 2009
Posting photos for now, will try and fill in the story later as time permits (and pain levels… having a worse than usual day for pain). [Read more]
Posting photos for now, will try and fill in the story later as time permits (and pain levels… having a worse than usual day for pain). [Read more]
Emeraude then put the millipede gently into the ‘bug trap’ as Lloyd explained to her that they needed to add some natural elements to the cage... [Read more]
proud memories of being a little girl and my Dad coming home from work sweeping our street so that I could roller skate - without getting tripped up by rocks. [Read more]
The boys were playing around on their skateboards in the driveway the other night and I couldn’t resist getting some photos, they are such great sports, always ready to strike a pose for me or re-take a jump lol. The photo could come in handy when we are able to get to work on getting a [Read more]
I was blessed this morning to have the opportunity to attend a wonderful church service. I went to church alone, which is unusual for me, I cannot recall the last time I went to church without my children but they were of course in my thoughts and prayers as they are always. Emeraude slept at [Read more]
Long day… I am very dissapointed and concerned that I am still dealing with fatiuge, pain and other symptoms although my solumedrol treatment is done. I did not go to the hospital yet today although this is not from lack of pain but rather because the doctor prescribed new oral pain meds that [Read more]
Emeraude était très contente mardi, quand nous avons ppeler Grandmaman pour une marche et elle pouvait venir même qu’elle partait pour Thunder Bay mercredi matin… Nous avons pris une grande marche sur la rue Caribou, arrêtant au ‘beaver park’. Celui est un des parc [Read more]