Posts Tagged ‘Nurse’

At Manitouwadge General Hospital the Possibilities are Endless

At Manitouwadge General Hospital the Possibilities are Endless

**WATCH INTERVIEW BELOW** TELEMEDICINE NURSE SANDRA LESAR, RN Manitouwadge General Hospital, Telemedicine Dept. 1 Health Care Crescent, MANITOUWADGE, ONTARIO Phone: 807.826.3521 ext.238 Email: January 24, 2012 My name is Sandra Lesar.   I am an .  I’m excited about what I’m [Read more]

Acupuncture appointment…

Acupuncture appointment…

To say I was dissapointed would be such an understatement… Thursday (day before the appointment) I spoke with the acupuncturist, to talk to her about the possibility of me being late. I explained to her that since I am not on a schedule (my doctor refuses to order my pain meds as being [Read more]

May 19, 2009

It has been another very long day. I had such severe pain as I came near my 4 hr injection times it was hard to deal with (mostly tireing and frustrating that I had to go to the hospital as I now know I have other options that should be made available to me and [Read more]

Living with MS – 05.18.09

I am pretty much in the same shape these days as I have been all year other than 3 good weeks in March when the IV Steroids I received successfully reduced my symptoms (fatigue, pain, weakness in legs, etc).  I go to the hospital for dilaudid injections to make the bone/muscle pain (neuropathic [Read more]

May 15.09

May 15.09

Today was crazy… Too much time wasted at the hospital and without any good reason (mix ups and miscommunications ruled my day which can be extremely frustrating, thankfully the nurse who was working Friday evening is very patient and sweet).  So, when I was finally able to get to the [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

It has been a long, complicated frustrated week but as usual, my children kept me focused and on getting back on my feet no matter what. I have had alot of difficulty sleeping and so the blog has suffered. I hope to catch up on posting the major events of the week this weekend but [Read more]

Living with Multiple Sclerosis

The last 2 weeks have been very long and yet have flown by so quickly… Last week we travelled to Thunder Bay, an expense I could not afford for an appointment I did not feel was in any way necessary which made it quite stressful and I am still trying to figure out how I [Read more]



Sometimes, by the end of the day, the times for my injections can become quite inconvenient for both Vickie, who was driving me on this day, and the kids… Emeraude’s bedtime is 19h30 and Lloyd had plans for skateboarding and checking spring clean up piles with friends.  I am still so [Read more]

Spring Cleaning – flower beds

Spring Cleaning – flower beds

Though I have to be aware of how much physical activity I do, I have come to realize that in regards to living with multiple sclerosis it does not seem to generally make a difference as to fatigue or pain levels afterwards.  Having said that, keep in mind that no two people diagnosed with multiple [Read more]

MGH – Interesting ER

MGH – Interesting ER

  I hoped to have Lloyd get his cast removed before leaving for Thunder Bay. Sunday I was going to bring him in but the nurse on emergency recommended that he wait to have it removed until an x-ray could be done as follow up during the same visit (makes good sense but I didn’t [Read more]

Preparing for T.Bay @ MGH

Preparing for T.Bay @ MGH

I hoped to have Lloyd get his cast removed before leaving for Thunder Bay. Sunday I was going to bring him in but the nurse on emergency recommended that he wait to have it removed until an x-ray could be done as follow up during the same visit (makes good sense but I didn’t think [Read more]

Video post – May 1st 09

Had some spare time @ the hospital earlier and took advantage of it to make this video… [Read more]

Publishing project progress

I continue to work diligently on the Emeraude Exploring collection. Last week we visited Canada Post. Jen was AWESOME! Emeraude enjoyed herself very much and we both learned all about the journey an envelope takes through the post office. The photos went well (unfortunately, the Post Master is shy [Read more]

Boat launch

Boat launch

Emeraude & Daddy made boats out of craft supplies and recycled materials. The boat with pontoons and a sail was their group effort (very nice) and the other small one Emeraude imagined and built all on her own.  We had a lot of fun playing at the lion’s beach after we were done with our [Read more]

Good Sunday to You!

I was blessed this morning to have the opportunity to attend a wonderful church service. I went to church alone, which is unusual for me, I cannot recall the last time I went to church without my children but they were of course in my thoughts and prayers as they are always. Emeraude slept at [Read more]

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