Posts Tagged ‘northern ontario gymnastics club’

Marathon Gymnasitcs Club Registration

Marathon Gymnasitcs Club Registration

  Coach Amanda Blanch (missing from photo Coach Victoria Wells) with her class of Red and Burgundy Level Gymnasts at the wrap-up for the 2011 Spring session. MARATHON, ON– Another season of activities and sports is upon us. The Marathon Gymnastics Club is ready for another great season [Read more]

Two Days Remain for Gymnastics Sign-Up in Marathon

Two Days Remain for Gymnastics Sign-Up in Marathon

MARATHON, ON – The Marathon Gymnastics Club continues registration week for their spring sessions tomorrow.  Registration takes place at the old Rec Hall (this is where lessons are held as well)  tomorrow (wed) from 6:15om to 8:45pm, and  Thursday 6:15pm to 7:15pm, don’t [Read more]

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