Posts Tagged ‘natural science’

Mushrooms of White Lake Provincial Park

Mushrooms of White Lake Provincial Park

The kids and I enjoy searching for and finding mushrooms anytime we are in the bush and White Lake is no exception. Here are some that we found on our recent trip, please, if you know there names, leave a comment to share the info! Big Brother, there’s no one else like him in her [Read more]

Lion’s beach

Lion’s beach

Emeraude & I went to the Lion’s beach for a little play and to get more sand for her sand box. We sift the beach sand to make sure it’s clean, and to take out larger rocks and then cart it home. After yesterday’s additional sand, her sandbox is nearly full and I think a [Read more]

Mangeoire d’oiseaux – Family Place

Sunday, May 17.09

Sunday, May 17.09

Emeraude & I transplanted some of our seedlings today. Though they all need to be done,  to keep it enjoyable we only do as much as each of us is up to. We transplanted 3 squares (with 9 compartments each with a seed or two planted originally for the most part) of radishes and a [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

It has been a long, complicated frustrated week but as usual, my children kept me focused and on getting back on my feet no matter what. I have had alot of difficulty sleeping and so the blog has suffered. I hope to catch up on posting the major events of the week this weekend but [Read more]

Aguasabond Gorge

Aguasabond Gorge

Lloyd had to piggy-back me back up to the parking lot. He is so strong and I am always amazed at how easily he seems to carry me (I do weigh almost 130lbs!) as well as how willingly he does so. What a gentleman [Read more]

Homeschool – Natural Science

Homeschool – Natural Science

Emeraude then put the millipede gently into the ‘bug trap’ as Lloyd explained to her that they needed to add some natural elements to the cage... [Read more]

Garndening again

Garndening again

We finally planted our final tray of seeds this afternoon. Emeraude just loves playing in the dirt and is so curious about the entire process. We discussed differences in the sizes/types/colours of our seeds and tried to use what we learned from the last tray (sticking to one seed / square; not [Read more]

Natural Science – Feb.26.09

Natural Science – Feb.26.09

Bird feeders Emeraude & I begun yesterday then completed & hung this morning. It was a lot of fun and she is beautiful. There is a post I have begun writing about this and then the unfortunate events that occurred later in our day but I am too angry & just downright sad for both [Read more]

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