Posts Tagged ‘Ministry of Natural Resources’

Far North Act Passes

Far North Act Passes

September 23, 2010 1:30 PM McGuinty Government Committed To Economic Development And Environmental Protection Ontario has made significant strides in economic development and environmental protection in the Far North with the passage of the Far North Act, 2010. A first in Ontario history, First [Read more]

Algonquin Park Fire Declared Out

Algonquin Park Fire Declared Out

East Fire Region September 17, 2010 Next update will be issued on Friday, September 24 There were no new fires reported in the East Fire Region by the evening of September 17.  Currently, there are no active forest fires anywhere in Ontario. One new fire was reported in Algonquin Park on September [Read more]

Science Students Overnight at Russell’s Landing

Science Students Overnight at Russell’s Landing

MHS THIS WEEK MANITOUWADGE, ON – September 16th and 17th, Manitouwadge High School Grade 11 Biology Class students and their teacher Mr. Gord Martin and chaperone Mrs. Lalonde, travelled into the bush, via school bus, to Russell’s Landing on Macutagen Creek approximately 30 minutes from [Read more]

Thunder Bay Anglers Fined by MNR

Thunder Bay Anglers Fined by MNR

Anglers Fined $1,040 For Trespassing September 15, 2010 Four Thunder Bay residents have been fined a total of $1,040 for trespassing to fish. Michael Kopanski and Laurie Kopanski were fined $220 each, and Daniel Niemi and Danna Niemi were fined $300 each. All fish caught were forfeited to the [Read more]

Unlawful Licence Issuing – MNR

Call to the MNR TIPS Line Uncovers Unlawful Licence Issuing St. Marys company was fined $800 for failing to comply with regulations governing the sale of angling and hunting licences in Ontario. Brahmani Inc., operating as the West End Variety, pleaded guilty under the Fish and Wildlife [Read more]

Umbata Falls Official Opening

Umbata Falls Official Opening

**Please note, Editor is working with very limited notes due to main computer crash. Sincere apologies for limited info which is available from covered events.   PIC RIVER FIRST NATIONS CELEBRATES OFFICIAL OPENING OF HYDROELECTRIC GENERATING STATION UMBATA FALLS GENERATION FACILTY, ON – [Read more]

Fire Season Nearing Its End

Fire Season Nearing Its End

Forest fire situation update East Fire Region September 10, 2010 Next update will be issued on Friday, September 17 There were no new fires of note between September 7 to 10. Currently there are four fires being observed in the Cochrane District, no problems are anticipated. The fire hazard remains [Read more]

Wawa Fire 32 Out of Control

Wawa Fire 32 Out of Control

Forest fire situation update East Fire Region August 30, 2010 Two new fires were reported on August 29. North Bay 94, north of Temagami, was 0.1 hectares in size but has since been declared out. Wawa 32, a lightning fire north of Missinaibi Lake, is not under control at 0.4 hectares. On Saturday, [Read more]

200 MNR Staff Ontario Bound

200 MNR Staff Ontario Bound

This is the most recent report received, as of Aug.29-04:25 from the East Fire Region; to read Saturday, Aug.28th‘s report from the West Fire Region CLICK HERE Forest Fire Situation Update East Fire Region August 27, 2010 No new fires were reported on August 26. Two hundred staff will be [Read more]

West Region Fire Hazard High

West Region Fire Hazard High

Forest Fire Situation Update West Fire Region Saturday August 28, 2010 The forest fire hazard is high across northwestern Ontario. There is one new fire today in the West Fire Region. Thunder Bay Fire 60 is a small 0.1ha lightning caused fire burning on an island at Amik Lake north on hwy 527. All [Read more]

East & West Fire Region Update

East & West Fire Region Update

West Fire Region Thursday, August 19, 2010 There were no new fires reported in the West Fire Region by the evening of August 19. There were two new forest fires reported in the West Fire Region by day’s end August 18.  Both fires were classed as human caused, located in the Nipigon District. [Read more]

East & West Region Fire Update

East & West Region Fire Update

West Fire Region Tuesday, August 17, 2010 There were no new fires reported in the West Fire Region by the evening of August 17. Four fires remain active in the far north. They are being monitored. Some Ontario fire fighting resources in British Columbia have reached the end of their 14 day tour of [Read more]

East& West Fire Update

East& West Fire Update

East Fire Region August 12, 2010 One new fire was confirmed in the East Fire Region on Wednesday, August 11. Sudbury 148, north of Sudbury near Athlone Lake, is under control at 0.5 hectares. There are no issues anticipated. So far today, August 12, there has been one confirmed fire. North Bay 90, [Read more]

East & West Fire Region Updates

East & West Fire Region Updates

West Fire Region Wednesay, August 11, 2010 There were no new fires reported in the West Fire Region by the evening of August 11. Active fires continue to be monitored and no problems are anticipated. Ontario personnel in Saskatchewan are demobilizing resources and planning a return to Ontario. [Read more]

Week begins with 3 New Fires in East

Week begins with 3 New Fires in East

East Fire Region August 10, 2010 Three new fires were confirmed on August 9. Sault Ste. Marie 32, near Sand Bay, has been called out. Cochrane 35, south of the James Bay coast and ignited by lightning, was 0.1 hectares and has been called out.  Algonquin Park 11, in the southwest area of the park, [Read more]

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