Posts Tagged ‘living’

PATHLIGHT: Condolences

PATHLIGHT: Condolences

Originally from the U.S., Annie earned her Canadian Citizenship in 2013. Annie & her Husband live in Pic River First Nation.  She works as full-time as an Adult Mental Health and Addictions Therapist at the Marathon office of North of Superior Counseling Programs. Annie Wenger-Nabigon, MSW, [Read more]

PATHLIGHT: State of Mind

PATHLIGHT: State of Mind

Originally from the U.S., Annie earned her Canadian Citizenship in 2013. Annie & her Husband live in Pic River First Nation.  She works as full-time as an Adult Mental Health and Addictions Therapist at the Marathon office of North of Superior Counseling Programs. Annie Wenger-Nabigon, MSW, [Read more]

Strike a pose…

Strike a pose…

Thank you Lord for my many blessings, for my healthy, wonderful, children so full of love, imagination, kindness, dreams, potential. Happy Easter everyone, will try...{read more...} [Read more]



Ok, so… haven’t done very well so far with self-control and efforts I should be making to maintain the weight I’m now at. Friday I couldn’t resist the strawberries & chocolate, last night there was cake mix & salsa w/burger (don’t even like salsa usually it [Read more]

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