Posts Tagged ‘learning’

Gardening 03.28.09

Gardening 03.28.09

It was a crazy day but before Emeraude was to head to her Dad’s I thought we could do a little gardening. Our beans (haricots) grew like CRAZY and I knew she would enjoy transplanting them and getting a look at the roots. Emeraude found a few beans that were just barely germinating and this [Read more]

Beading with Emeraude

Beading with Emeraude

Great morning with my girl. Happy to be getting our mornings back somewhat (result of solumedrol I think). We started out making ‘soup’ and recipes with the beads and too many bowls/ladels/potato masher lol and then switched to some bracelets. Emeraude began working on a necklace for [Read more]

Another Gardening update…

Another Gardening update…

Some of the other seeds are finally coming up. The only ones still hiding are the parsnips.  Wondering what to do about the ‘greenhouse’ lids with the peas touching the top, I don’t want her healthy sprouts to start leaning over but worry if I take it off the ones that still need [Read more]

Gardening update

Gardening update

Our sprouts are growing like crazy already! Emeraude was so excited this morning when after just 2 days (for some, 3 days for others) she already had some great sprouts coming up. So far radishes seem to be the fatest growing by far, there are also some broccoli coming up as well as some peas. [Read more]

March Break – Gardening

March Break – Gardening

Emeraude & I began our gardening today (March 16,09). Last year we started all the veggies & flowers early indoors as well but I got over eager and we transplanted them outside too early – they froze and her beautiful healthy plants were mostly demolished (check my facebook page or [Read more]

Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

Homeschool 03.13.09 Aquarium Craft

I was inspired this Friday morning when picking up Emeraude from Nursery School to attempt this craft. Nikki, her N.School teacher was kind enough to spare some blue cellophane which really is a nice touch. Emeraude had made other water themed crafts at school that morning which included a sensory [Read more]

Another experiment Feb 19th

Another experiment Feb 19th

Emeraude is often asking to eat snow so I thought this was a good experiment to let her see for herself why I prefer that she doesn’t.  She picked up these ‘ice balls’ from the side of the road and we intend to do the experiment again with some snow from the backyard. [Read more]

Experiments with Emeraude

Experiments with Emeraude

Emeraude woke up from her nap with a plan… She began listing to me the ingredients we needed for a ‘kind of craft’. As I listened to her explanation of what we were to do, I realized what she wanted and explained to her that this was called an ‘experiment’.  We [Read more]

The science of clouds with Emeraude

The science of clouds with Emeraude

Lloyd gave Emeraude a great cloud book this Christmas which is perfect for her age and will be for years to come. It lists the types of clouds, how they are named and what weather to expect when each cloud type is seen…  And I was very much looking forward to the opportunity to take [Read more]

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