Posts Tagged ‘kids’

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

Saturday Night Craft 05.16.09

So, we ended up making our toilet paper puppets instead of the pipe cleaner creatures although I did show Emeraude a quick version of the pipe cleaner creatures while Lloyd was in the grocery store and we were waited in the van and she agreed that it is a definete must-do for another day :).  [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

It has been a long, complicated frustrated week but as usual, my children kept me focused and on getting back on my feet no matter what. I have had alot of difficulty sleeping and so the blog has suffered. I hope to catch up on posting the major events of the week this weekend but [Read more]

may 12 2009

may 12 2009

Posting photos for now, will try and fill in the story later as time permits (and pain levels… having a worse than usual day for pain). [Read more]

Spring Cleaning – flower beds

Spring Cleaning – flower beds

Though I have to be aware of how much physical activity I do, I have come to realize that in regards to living with multiple sclerosis it does not seem to generally make a difference as to fatigue or pain levels afterwards.  Having said that, keep in mind that no two people diagnosed with multiple [Read more]

Terry Fox Monument, Hwy 17

Terry Fox Monument, Hwy 17

Photos by Vickie Veitch-Rusard  (Thank you so much Vickie, for everything!) Terry Fox Foundation Highway 17 information Thunder Bay, Ontario [Read more]

Homeschool – Natural Science

Homeschool – Natural Science

Emeraude then put the millipede gently into the ‘bug trap’ as Lloyd explained to her that they needed to add some natural elements to the cage... [Read more]

Jardinage Mai 2009

Jardinage Mai 2009

Notre jardinage continue de progresser tellement bien, Emeraude en est très fière (moi aussi d’abord).  Les concombres fleurit un peu plus à tous les jours (des belles grosses fleures jaunes)… Je ne me rappelle plus si les concombres vont pousser ou il y a des fleures comme les haricots on [Read more]

Video post – May 1st 09

Had some spare time @ the hospital earlier and took advantage of it to make this video… [Read more]

Homeschool – foodbank

Homeschool – foodbank

We had a alot of fun, deciding to make a 2nd batch with some variations. She loves to lick the sticky-gewy spoon and both of us were covered with milk chocolate after making our 2nd batch [Read more]

Playground and Family Place

Playground and Family Place

  It is so exciting that spring is finally here. It’s been a long, long winter and I think everyone in Manitouwadge is ready for some blue skies and warmer temps, I certainly was ready for the snow to melt. The lake still has ice on it but not for long according to most people’s [Read more]

§κ8Tξ βΘ@®Ðì∩g

§κ8Tξ βΘ@®Ðì∩g

The boys were playing around on their skateboards in the driveway the other night and I couldn’t resist getting some photos, they are such great sports, always ready to strike a pose for me or re-take a jump lol. The photo could come in handy when we are able to get to work on getting a [Read more]

Emeraude Exploring: The Dentist

Emeraude Exploring: The Dentist

Feel free to print the book if you have a little one in your life (2-6 yrs) who would like to read it. It is for personal use only (not to be sold in whole or in part) and I would ask that if you enjoy it and would like someone else to have a look, you link back to here. [Read more]

Good Sunday to You!

I was blessed this morning to have the opportunity to attend a wonderful church service. I went to church alone, which is unusual for me, I cannot recall the last time I went to church without my children but they were of course in my thoughts and prayers as they are always. Emeraude slept at [Read more]

Super Galactic Garbage Day

LOL… that’s Emeraude’s motiviational song for when she & Lloyd are doing there Saturday morning garbage pick up around the house, great tune lol Spent way too much of my morning at the hospital earlier although it’s hard to complain about it when Vickie drove me and lost [Read more]

Living – April 21

Living – April 21

Ok, another very busy day (in spite of having less than adequate supplies of energy). The kids were a huge help. So was Vickie as she has been ever since my symptoms began coming back with a vengeance last week. She goes beyond giving me rides to the hospital and has been calling to arrange [Read more]

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