Posts Tagged ‘homeschool science’

Homeschool Science from

Homeschool Science from

DANCING RAISINS – 1st Attempt Well, we gave this a try yesterday before nap time but did not have great results.  We were using Ginger Ale (have agreed that we need to buy some fresh pop and will try for one that is more clear such as 7up or sprite) that Lloyd had upstairs. The [Read more]

Gardening update

Gardening update

Well, our indoor garden (started to be ready for transplant when summer is officially here) continues to progress. Emeraude is so impressed at being able to eat from her plants already. Les haricots sont rendus tellement gros! Elle comprend maintenant que si ont les laisse pousser sa vaux la penne [Read more]

Sunday, May 17.09

Sunday, May 17.09

Emeraude & I transplanted some of our seedlings today. Though they all need to be done,  to keep it enjoyable we only do as much as each of us is up to. We transplanted 3 squares (with 9 compartments each with a seed or two planted originally for the most part) of radishes and a [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart3 Jell-O Variations

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart3 Jell-O Variations

This is a really easy one. Be careful of course with the kettle… You can add almost any fruit to Jell-O but pineapple and, hmmm… I forget the other but they are listed on the box.  We were making strawberry jelly and opted to add sliced bananas in ½ the batch and fruit cups (x2) [Read more]

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

05.14.09 PhotoPostPart1 Suckerfish

It has been a long, complicated frustrated week but as usual, my children kept me focused and on getting back on my feet no matter what. I have had alot of difficulty sleeping and so the blog has suffered. I hope to catch up on posting the major events of the week this weekend but [Read more]

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