Posts Tagged ‘First Nation News’

Barrick’s Hemlo Operation leads the way with Towards Sustainable Mining honour

Barrick’s Hemlo Operation leads the way with Towards Sustainable Mining honour

from Ontario Mining Association Barrick Gold’s Hemlo Operation in Northwestern Ontario was presented with the Mining Association of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Leadership Award at a Mining Day on the Hill event in Ottawa last month — Other OMA members to receive TSM [Read more]

RING OF FIRE Update- Matawa First Nations File Judicial Review

RING OF FIRE Update- Matawa First Nations File Judicial Review

November 7, 2011 MATAWA FIRST NATIONS FILE JUDICIAL REVIEW,CONTINUE CALLS FOR JOINT REVIEW PANEL ON RING OF FIRE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OTTAWA, ON – First Nation leaders from Northern Ontario gathered in Ottawa today, sending a strong message to the Government of Canada about resource [Read more]



EABAMETOONG FIRST NATION, ON – Recently, Eabametoong residents took part in a ribbon cutting for their new health centre. Chief Harry Papah said many positive changes are happening in the First Nation community. Thank you to Matawa First Nations for the photos from this special day. [Read more]

Treaty 3 Chiefs and Ogichidaakwe File Judicial Review

Treaty 3 Chiefs and Ogichidaakwe File Judicial Review

The Ogichidaakwe (Grand Chief) and Chiefs of Treaty 3 file Judicial Review related to five north west Ontario hydro generating plants.Calm Lake, Sturgeon Falls, Fort Frances, Kenora, and Norman hydroelectric generating station are the focus QUEEN’s PARK, ON – An application for Judicial [Read more]

Chief Coroner Releases Report On First Nation Youth Suicides

Chief Coroner Releases Report On First Nation Youth Suicides

Review of 16 deaths in Pikangikum First Nation leads to recommendations Dr. Andrew McCallum, Chief Coroner for Ontario, today released a report entitled The Office of the Chief Coroner’s Death Review of the Youth Suicides at the Pikangikum First Nation 2006 – 2008. The report is a [Read more]

Ginoogaming and Greenstone Working To Re-Open Mills

Ginoogaming and Greenstone Working To Re-Open Mills

THUNDER BAY, ON – Yesterday, (August 16, 2011) a Memorandum of Understanding (Click underlined text to read/view MOU) was signed between Ginoogaming First Nation and the Municipality of Greenstone. The MOU states that Greenstone and Ginoogaming shall endeavour to procure a wood allocation [Read more]

Mishkeegogamang Pets Safe – Operation Dingo and Lady

Mishkeegogamang Pets Safe – Operation Dingo and Lady

FROM: Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service Headquarters   RELEASE:  July 22, 2011      NISHNAWBE-ASKI POLICE PROVIDE COMMUNITY SERVICE TO PETS NEW OSNABURGH, ON – Nishnawbe-Aski Police officers working to help evacuate and protect the community members of Mishkeegogamang First Nation [Read more]

Fires in Northwestern Ontario – Multiple Evacuations

Fires in Northwestern Ontario – Multiple Evacuations

1,500 Residents Airlifted To Safety The Cabinet Committee on Emergency Management convened today and ensured that firefighters and personnel on the ground have the resources needed to evacuate people to safety and extinguish the fires. The evacuation of residents of First Nations communities in [Read more]



UPDATE #12 AND #13NORTHWEST ONTARIO FIRES AND EVACUATIONS Smoke caused by numerous forest fires continues to cause concerns in many First Nations communities in the Northwest. First Nations officials in Cat Lake and Keewaywin have decided to evacuate their most vulnerable residents. 248 of the most [Read more]

Audit slams Whiskey Jack Forest management

Audit slams Whiskey Jack Forest management

FROM: EARTHROOTS    Independent experts verify Grassy Narrows’ concerns TORONTO, ON – The independent audit of logging in the Whiskey Jack Forest 2004-2009 released recently by the provincial government paints a disturbing picture of a forest in decline. “The audit team found [Read more]

Northwest Region Fire Situation Update

Northwest Region Fire Situation Update

*This is the most recent update received as of July 9, 2011 July 7, 2011 – 8pm NEW FIRES Three were three new fires reported in the Northwest Region by the evening of July 7 and seven fires were declared out. More new fires were being reported as the evening progressed. Red Lake Fire 72 [Read more]

Evacuation Of Deer Lake First Nation Complete

Evacuation Of Deer Lake First Nation Complete

Most Vulnerable Residents Airlifted On Military Aircraft 530 Deer Lake residents have now been safely evacuated from their community which is threatened by nearby forest fires. Forest fires had been burning as close as 3.5 kilometres from the remote northwest Ontario community. At the request of [Read more]

Free family fun at Pukaskwa on Canada Day!

Free family fun at Pukaskwa on Canada Day!

 HERON BAY, ON – Pukaskwa National Park is offering entertaining ways for the whole family to celebrate our nation’s 144th birthday on Friday, July 1. In honour of Parks Canada’s centennial, admission at all Parks Canada sites is free on Canada Day! Festivities begin at 7:30 am with the [Read more]

Bruce Hyer – Statement on National Aboriginal Day

Bruce Hyer – Statement on National Aboriginal Day

Thunder Bay–Superior North MP recognizes both needs and opportunities for Aboriginal youth  OTTAWA, ON – Local MP Bruce Hyer is recognizing the vast potential of Canada’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit youth on this year’s National Aboriginal Day, which is dedicated to youth this year. [Read more]

Red Rock Indian Band Chief Awarded Honourary Diploma

Red Rock Indian Band Chief Awarded Honourary Diploma

Confederation College Sees Over 1400 Graduates in 2011 THUNDER BAY, ON – Students from the Thunder Bay campus were the first to receive certificates, diplomas and honourary diplomas today at the Thunder Bay Community Auditorium during Confederation College’s graduation ceremonies. [Read more]

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