Posts Tagged ‘First Nation governments’

First Nations Rally in Pic Mobert Against Nuclear Waste

First Nations Rally in Pic Mobert Against Nuclear Waste

PIC MOBERT FIRST NATION – “Today I had the honour and privilege to speak at a rally with a number of great speakers, leaders and community activists. The message was: NO TO NUCLEAR WASTE in their treaty, traditional lands,” stated Serpent River Chief Isadore Day. “As First Nations, we do [Read more]

FONOM Message Delivered At State of the North Summit

FONOM Message Delivered At State of the North Summit

KAPUSKASING, ON – The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) participated in Ontario’s first ever State of the North Summit hosted by The Empire Club of Canada on April 2, 2015 in Toronto. The event, which consisted of expert panelists representing industry, municipal and First [Read more]

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