Posts Tagged ‘experimenting with kids’

Dancing Raisin Success!

Dancing Raisin Success!

DANCING RAISINS – 2nd Attempt This posts continues from our orignial experiment which hadn’t had the intended results… Our raisins were stationary 🙁 . Well, that certainly was not the case with this 2nd attempt! Emeraude was really excited to see it work (as were Lloyd & I [Read more]

Square bubbles from Steve

Ok, this is another one that is absolutely TOO COOL! I know that both the kids (for those of you that aren’t regulars here, my son Lloyd is 14.5 and my daughter Emeraude is 4 so science experiments that appeal to both are not always a given) are going to find this mesmerizing*!   Will [Read more]

Homeschool Science from

Homeschool Science from

DANCING RAISINS – 1st Attempt Well, we gave this a try yesterday before nap time but did not have great results.  We were using Ginger Ale (have agreed that we need to buy some fresh pop and will try for one that is more clear such as 7up or sprite) that Lloyd had upstairs. The [Read more]

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