Posts Tagged ‘dealing with stress’

Pathlight: Mind, Heart and Soul by Columnist Annie Wenger-Nabigon

Pathlight: Mind, Heart and Soul by Columnist Annie Wenger-Nabigon

Author of Pathlight; Annie Wenger-Nabigon, MSW, RSW is originally from the U.S., earning her Canadian Citizenship in 2013. Annie & her Husband live in Pic River First Nation. Annie Wenger-Nabigon, MSW, RSW has been a cinical social worker since 1979 working in mental health, family therapy, [Read more]

Columnist Annie Wenger-Nabigon RE: VACATION!

Columnist Annie Wenger-Nabigon RE: VACATION!

Author of Pathlight; Annie Wenger-Nabigon, MSW, RSW is originally from the U.S., earning her Canadian Citizenship in 2013. Annie & her Husband live in Pic River First Nation. Annie Wenger-Nabigon, MSW, RSW has been a cinical social worker since 1979 working in mental health, family therapy, [Read more]

May 30 – Part two

I’m back… I was an hour early, my pain seemed at the point that it must be time and so the math made sense (I wanted it to be time and wasn’t paying enough attention counting to four lol). I had called Vickie (I would never do so late at night but she had told me [Read more]

Living with MS – 05.18.09

I am pretty much in the same shape these days as I have been all year other than 3 good weeks in March when the IV Steroids I received successfully reduced my symptoms (fatigue, pain, weakness in legs, etc).  I go to the hospital for dilaudid injections to make the bone/muscle pain (neuropathic [Read more]

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