Posts Tagged ‘bone pain’

Lion’s beach

Lion’s beach

Emeraude & I went to the Lion’s beach for a little play and to get more sand for her sand box. We sift the beach sand to make sure it’s clean, and to take out larger rocks and then cart it home. After yesterday’s additional sand, her sandbox is nearly full and I think a [Read more]

Yet another free ride…

Couldn’t wait to post my update on MS happenings for the week after this morning I received yet another free ride from yet another new driver… As Vickie, who became my angel in past weeks driving me constantly, not only to the hospital here in town 3 and 4 times a day but even to [Read more]



Sometimes, by the end of the day, the times for my injections can become quite inconvenient for both Vickie, who was driving me on this day, and the kids… Emeraude’s bedtime is 19h30 and Lloyd had plans for skateboarding and checking spring clean up piles with friends.  I am still so [Read more]

Hotel Fun

Hotel Fun

Once I was in, although it hurt at first (very painful pins and needles, much more pronouced and sharper then the kind of pins & needles you might feel when your foot falls asleep) and my skin felt very uncomfortable, the heat went deep to make the pain back off somewhat or as they describe it in [Read more]

making the best of it

making the best of it

I needed to stop by the hospital first for a dilaudid injection before the three of us went to play at the Lion’s beach to play (Lloyd would be heading out for NSSSAA in Geraldton tomorrow) and the kids went by the cafeteria for some sandwhiches in the meantime. After eating they headed [Read more]

Living with MS

Well, I think it’s time for another IV Solumedrol treatment. Sunday I went for my first dilaudid injection in weeks (since the last steroid treatment at the end of March) and I have returned again yesterday and then again today. I have a lot of bone and joint pain and am feeling fatigue, [Read more]

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