Posts Tagged ‘beans’

Jardinage Mai 2009

Jardinage Mai 2009

Notre jardinage continue de progresser tellement bien, Emeraude en est très fière (moi aussi d’abord).  Les concombres fleurit un peu plus à tous les jours (des belles grosses fleures jaunes)… Je ne me rappelle plus si les concombres vont pousser ou il y a des fleures comme les haricots on [Read more]

We have VEGGIES!

We have VEGGIES!

Kind of.. just little ones haha. Emeraude’s green bean plants have flowered and have little small beans (fèves, haricots en français mais je ne suis pas cetaine s’ils ont un nom speciale en englais) and they are DELICIOUS although we have only tasted 2 and are trying to let them keep [Read more]

Gardening 03.28.09

Gardening 03.28.09

It was a crazy day but before Emeraude was to head to her Dad’s I thought we could do a little gardening. Our beans (haricots) grew like CRAZY and I knew she would enjoy transplanting them and getting a look at the roots. Emeraude found a few beans that were just barely germinating and this [Read more]

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