Posts Tagged ‘Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing’

Prestations d’invalidité du RPC deviennent ponction fiscale?

Prestations d’invalidité du RPC deviennent ponction fiscale?

Tous les demandeurs qui se sont vu refuser des prestations d’invalidité fédérales se trouvent dans une situation difficile étant donné que les nouvelles règles leur interdisent désormais de présenter un appel en personne. Auparavant, il était possible de rencontrer en tête‑à‑tête [Read more]

“Is CPP disability turning into a tax grab?” MP Carol Hughes

“Is CPP disability turning into a tax grab?” MP Carol Hughes

People who had been denied federal disability benefits were thrown a curve ball as new rules have stripped them of their right to have an appeal in person.   Where in the past individuals were able to meet face to face with an adjudicator, they will no longer be legally entitled to this method of [Read more]

Security threats are everywhere for this suspicious government

Security threats are everywhere for this suspicious government

Somewhere along the line Canada has slipped into the plot of a George Orwell novel and it is becoming more difficult to fight back. People will be less inclined to attend peaceful protests if they are guaranteed to be placed on a list of suspects by the government. The new legislation aimed at [Read more]

Hughes on Headlines “A little good news from parliament”

Hughes on Headlines “A little good news from parliament”

Parliament saw welcome moments of agreement this week which amounts to good news for Canadians as we passed a New Democrat motion on a pan-Canadian palliative and end-of-life care strategy and got down to work on a government bill for drug safety.    The motion should jump-start the government [Read more]

“Les Canadiens les plus fortunés se portent mieux que jamais” dit Hughes

“Les Canadiens les plus fortunés se portent mieux que jamais” dit Hughes

On porte beaucoup d’attention aux salaires et primes des PDG les plus riches du Canada, car ils sont tellement hors de toute proportion avec la paie nette de la plupart des gens que c’en est toujours saisissant. Selon une récente étude du Centre canadien de politiques alternatives (CCPA), la [Read more]

“Anciens Combattants Canada dépense une fortune sur Twitter” dit Hughes

“Anciens Combattants Canada dépense une fortune sur Twitter” dit Hughes

À l’approche du Jour de décoration et du 70e anniversaire du jour J, il convient de réfléchir à la façon dont nous traitons nos vétérans. Tout indique que les relations sont tendues entre les vétérans et un gouvernement qui a fortement réduit les ressources du ministère des Anciens [Read more]

“Veterans Affairs drops a bundle on Twitter” Hughes

“Veterans Affairs drops a bundle on Twitter” Hughes

  As Decoration Day approaches and as we gear up to mark the 70th anniversary of D Day it is appropriate to consider the way we are treating our veterans.   All indicators point to strained relations between veterans and the government who have pinched considerable pennies from the [Read more]

Le moment est mal choisi pour un « budget immobiliste » dit Deputée Carol Hughes

Le moment est mal choisi pour un « budget immobiliste » dit Deputée Carol Hughes

Mardi, alors que le ministre des Finances progressait dans son discours sur le budget, il devenait évident que les nouvelles anticipées que nous avions reçues étaient vraies et que nous recevions un budget immobiliste. Je me suis demandé si on vivait dans le même pays puisque l’expérience [Read more]

Wrong Time For A ‘Do-Nothing Budget’ Says MP Carol Hughes

Wrong Time For A ‘Do-Nothing Budget’ Says MP Carol Hughes

As the Finance Minister worked his way through the budget speech last Thursday it became obvious that the advance press was true and we were receiving a do nothing budget.  I had to wonder if we are living in the same country since the Canada I experience in my role as MP is defined by [Read more]

Le tourisme du Nord de l’Ontario est encore une fois pris pour cible dit Députée Hughes

Le tourisme du Nord de l’Ontario est encore une fois pris pour cible dit Députée Hughes

Ceux qui se souviennent de la lutte menée l’année dernière pour maintenir le service de traversier entre l’île Manitoulin et Tobermory, ne pourront que déplorer que le même mauvais sort s’acharne sur les commerces, les localités et les propriétaires qui sont sur le point de perdre le [Read more]

Hughes Joins Thomas Mulcair to Discuss Affordability Issues In Sault Ste. Marie

Hughes Joins Thomas Mulcair to Discuss Affordability Issues In Sault Ste. Marie

ELLIOT LAKE, ON  – People struggling just to keep up need to know their government has their back, and that just isn’t happening according to Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing, MP Carol Hughes. Hughes was commenting on NDP Leader Tom Mulcair’s Affordability Tour which stopped in Sault Ste. Marie [Read more]

Hughes & Thomas Mulcair Discutent de Problème d’Abordabilité à Sault Ste. Marie

Hughes & Thomas Mulcair Discutent de Problème d’Abordabilité à Sault Ste. Marie

ELLIOT LAKE, ON — Les gens qui ont du mal à joindre les deux bouts ont besoin de savoir que le gouvernement défend leurs intérêts. Or, ce n’est pas le cas, selon la députée d’Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing, Carol Hughes. Mme Hughes commentait la tournée sur l’abordabilité du chef [Read more]

“Old line parties have learned nothing from Senate scandal” NDP MP Carol Hughes

“Old line parties have learned nothing from Senate scandal” NDP MP Carol Hughes

The ever ballooning Senate spending scandal has been instructive for political watchers as it highlights how our democratic institutions operate in a self-policing manner that can be secretive, self-serving, and difficult for people to make sense of. Amidst the understandable public outrage there [Read more]

Hughes on Headlines “Budget shell game or bad planning leaves $10 billion unaccounted for”

Hughes on Headlines “Budget shell game or bad planning leaves $10 billion unaccounted for”

This week I met with representatives from ALS Canada who explained they were concerned about the impact the conservative budget is having on their organization. They are looking to have parliament reinstate the funding they were receiving up until 2012 that had been cut in last year’s omnibus, [Read more]



OTTAWA, ON  –Despite spin from the government, official language services are in retreat across the country, according to Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing, MP Carol Hughes. Hughes questioned the Minister of Official Languages on the findings and recommendations in the annual report of the [Read more]

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