Written by Press Release on 17 June 2010
The Ojibways of the Pic River First Nations welcome you to join them in celebrating Aboriginal Day, this Saturday, June 19th. Family oriented events will be ongoing during the day, ending with a huge fireworks display in the evening at the Powwow grounds. This event is open and free to the [Read more]
Written by NDP Media on 02 June 2010
HUGHES OUT TO JIG UP FISHING TOURISTS FOR AMK Ottawa – If you want to wet a line this summer then Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing should be on your short-list of destinations according to MP, Carol Hughes. With access to cold water fisheries on two Great Lakes and thousands of lakes, rivers and [Read more]
Written by admin on 28 May 2010
Dubreuilville Father’s Day Walleye Derby – Progress Report by Chantal Mantha,President DFDWD This year, many new teams have registered for the Dubreuilville Father’s Day Walleye Derby. Among the first-timers are Guy-Doo and his daughter Paula, who had luck on their side, winning [Read more]
Written by admin on 04 May 2010
Winnie the Pooh Festival Committee by Karina Hunter Members of the Winnie the Pooh Festival Committee met last Thursday (April 29) to discuss planning to date and identify what had yet to be finalized. Christa Hatton, Festival Coordinator for the Township of White River, shared news of the [Read more]