SNCDSB Schools Recognize “Let’s Talk Day”

SNCDSB schools joined in, Bell Let’s Talk Day January 26, to help drive meaningful progress in mental health.

COVID-19 has affected every aspect of our lives, including our mental health. However, tools are available to support ourselves and each other.

This year’s Bell Let’s Talk Day campaign highlighted the ways that we can support ourselves and those we care about through actions like listening, being there and talking. Every Canadian can play a part in their communities, workplaces, schools and at home.


Mrs. Traintinger’s Kindergarten class at St. Edward Catholic School enjoyed participating in Bell Let’s Talk day on January 26th. The students learned about the Power of YET! We all know of some things that we cannot do YET but if we practice we can do those things! What a great mindset!

St. Edward School’s Kindergarten Class

Students in Grades 1-8 at St. Hilary Catholic School listed self-care ideas for things they do when they are feeling down to help themselves feel better.

Holy Angels Catholic School shared positive messages and things we can do when we are feeling blue or when we notice that others might need a friend.

Holy Angels School students.
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