Municipalities Caution Careful Flushing!

Many Ontario Municipalities in partnership with the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) are cautioning residents and visitors to keep in mind what toilets are designed to dispose of. The following press release has been issued by municipalities and the OCWA (along with the instruction that residents/visitors contact their municipal public works department for any related questions):

A reminder to be careful what you flush. 

Wet wipes, paper towels and facial tissues can clog pipes.  We recognize that many residents may be increasing their use of disinfectant wipes, paper towels and facial tissues in response to COVID-19.  We would like to remind residents not to flush wet wipes of any kind. Despite what some packaging says, wipes are not flushable. Paper towels and facial tissues also do not belong in the toilet. These items cannot be flushed because they do not break down like toilet paper does.

If wipes, paper towels and facial tissues are flushed, they can cause blockages in pipes – which may lead to sewage overflows in your home or business.

Further down the line, these items can clog sewers and cause sewage overflows into streets and the natural environment. They can also cause costly damage to local wastewater infrastructure.

The only things that should be flushed are the 3Ps: Pee, Poo & (toilet) Paper. No exceptions. Please put used wipes, facial tissues and paper towels in the garbage.

Thank you for working with us to keep our community’s pipes and sewers clear and our wastewater infrastructure functioning smoothly.


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