Letter to the Editor: Nuclear Waste in NWO
The federal government will once again be in direct violation with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). It comes as no surprise that the Crown will most likely proceed with its unilateral decision making when it comes to the storage of nuclear waste in our traditional territories.
Article 29. 1. of UNDRIP clearly states that “Indigenous people have the right to the conservation and the protection of the environment and the productive capacity of their lands or territories and resources. States shall establish and implement assistance programs for Indigenous peoples for such conservation and protection, without discrimination.”
More importantly, section 2 of Article 29 of UNDRIP also states that “states shall take effective measures to ensure that NO STORAGE OR DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS shall take place in the lands or territories of Indigenous peoples without their free, prior and informed consent.”
Furthermore, section 35 (subsection 1) of the Canadian Constitution Act, 1982 clearly states that “the existing Aboriginal and Treaty Rights of the Aboriginal people of Canada are recognized and affirmed.” These rights include “the duty to consult”. Canada must consult with Aboriginal people in accordance with section 35 of the Constitution Act and the articles contained within the UNDRIP documents. Section 35 is the law.
If section 35 of the Canadian Constitution can be violated than what makes us think that other laws will not be violated?
A threat or violation to justice and rights anywhere is a threat to justice and rights everywhere.
Creator gifted us, the Anishinaabe and our Euro-Canadian brothers and sisters to protect the land from harm and destruction. It is our duty, the people of the region to stand up for our rights and to practice the principles of a free and democratic Canada. We say no to nuclear waste in White River and within our traditional territories.
Louis Kwissiwa
Pic Mobert First Nation
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