MPP Michael Mantha’s News from the Park

Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Michael Mantha

This week in the legislature the voices of many in Algoma-Manitoulin and across the north were heard.  For over a year I have been receiving calls from constituents requesting that the Ministry of Transportation change the definition of an Off-Road Vehicle (ORV) under the Highway Traffic Act Regulation 316/03.

ORV enthusiast across Ontario have repeatedly asked that this regulation be changed to include the two-up off-road vehicles as well as the 2 and 4 seat side-by-side off-road vehicles to allow them to be driven under the same conditions as other recreational off-road/all-terrain vehicles.

Many of you have been working hard to circulate petitions and send back thousands of signed copies.  I have been presenting these petitions in the legislature on your behalf.  This week all your efforts paid off and the motion to amend the Highway Traffic Act passed. It is good to see what we can achieve when we work together on issues that matter to us in the north.

In other news, as Northern Development and Mines Critic for the NDP I have been putting immense pressure on the Liberal Government to develop a framework for mining projects in the Ring of Fire and across the north.  We have recently witnessed growing frustrations within mining companies, First Nations and northern communities who are unimpressed with the government’s lack of action on this file.  There has been no effort from the government to move things forward and quite frankly, investors are ready to move on and take those much needed jobs with them.

Feeling the heat from the NDP, the Wynne Liberals announced the creation of a development corporation to begin making decisions about the Ring of Fire project.  What this would look like remains to be seen. I have requested a briefing from the Minister to understand how this development corporation for the Ring of Fire will actually advance this development beyond just a pipedream.

Ontario needs development in the Ring of Fire and it is troubling that it’s taken five years for government to start thinking about an actual plan for Ring of Fire development. I am concerned that this is just another plan to make a plan which ends with no results.

Infrastructure to the Ring of Fire and the high price of electricity remain the major issues facing Ring of Fire development and the provincial government needs to play its part. The government also needs to play a role in proper consultation with First Nations and develop revenue sharing tools so that the benefits from the Ring of Fire stay with communities in the North. The government needs to look at training opportunities and the creation of value added processing jobs that will result from the Ring of Fire. I will continue to push the government on this issue and others which are important for constituents in Algoma-Manitoulin and all northerners.

As always, please feel free to contact my office about this issue, or any other provincial matters. You can reach my constituency office by email at or by phone at 705-461-9710/1-800-831-1899.

MPP Michael Mantha , Algoma-Manitoulin

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