REPUBLISHING: KPMG Review & Mayor’s Interview

FROM THE EDITOR: I was asked by a reader to republish these videos/links in light of people being very concerned with the taxes in Manitouwadge.  Please leave your comments below and remember our new subreddit at is a great place to join the conversation as well!


How Is Manitouwadge Measuring Up? Special Council Mtg Feb.6 Open to Public (Incl.Agenda)

Written by admin on 01 February 2013

KMPG to Present Findings of Municipal Service Delivery Review At Special Meeting of Council This Week

MANITOUWADGE, ON – Fall of 2012 Council agreed to commission the services of KPMG Inc. to provide a Municipal Service Delivery Review. KMPG advises services companies and public-sector bodies, like the township, to help mitigate risk, enhance performance, and create value.

KPMG Study Overview (Manitouwadge) as presented on page 3 of their Preliminary Presentation to Council. (Click to enlarge)

November 28th at the Regular Meeting of Town Council KMPG Inc. offered a preliminary presentation to council which among other things outlined the approach they would take (see image from preliminary at left) in conducting their review, graphs of the Township’s  financial perspectives and graphs comparing Manitouwadge to other communities with which they had worked in regards to the 2011 Reserves per Household, Average Debt per household, Residential Taxes per Household (average/typical property), etc.

In defining Council’s Priorities, KPMG presented in their preliminary report 3 key questions to Council in regards to their perspectives on some important issues.

They were asked to rank their preference of  tax priorities while considering; service level impacts, affordability issues, and infrastructure requirements in answering the question.

Of the municipal services which are “must haves” and those which would be “nice to haves”, KPMG asked Council, to rank the importance “nice to haves” based on 3 choices while considering; community needs and impacts, labour relations impacts, council discretion.

Finally the question was put forth to Council regarding their perspectives on strategies available to municipalities to address operating costs asking them to identify, from a list of four options, which strategies might be unacceptable while again considering community needs and impacts and labour relations impacts but also reliance on external service providers.

View the full Preliminary Presentation to Council by KPMG Inc., from November 28th, 2012, by CLICKING HERE.

Wenesday, February 6th, a Special Meeting of Council (view/print agenda CLICK HERE)has been called to hear results of KPMG’s Municipal Service Delivery Review and answers by Council to the questions raised in their preliminary presentation.  This Special Meeting is open to the public, being held in Council Chambers at the Township, and will begin at 7pm. will be attending to record the full presentation to Council and will share complete footage via our English YouTube channel ( and on the site asap afterwards.


Manitouwadge Town Council Special Mtg Feb 6th Full Video (incl. Agenda & Presentation PDF)

Written by admin on 15 February 2013

Video below; Manitouwadge Town Council Special meeting of February 6th, 2013


Interview w/Mayor John MacEachern re: Municipal Services Delivery Review

Written by admin on 21 February 2013

MANITOUWADGE, ON – Wednesday, February 6TH, KPMG representatives were at a special meeting of Manitouwadge Town Council [CLICK HERE for full video of meeting] presenting their initial findings from the Municipal Services Delivery review they are providing for the township.

Following the meeting, spoke with Mayor John MacEachern regarding some of the opportunities presented by KPMG, and the information brought to light regarding property taxes and municipal services in comparison to those in neighbouring communities of relatively similar populations.


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