WAWA, ONTARIO –  Fund-raising will begin immediately for the victims of the October 25, 2012 flood disaster that hit Wawa, Ontario announced Tamara Liddle Chair of the Disaster Relief Committee.

The recently appointed Volunteer Committee will be spearheading  the fund-raising effort and be responsible for collecting claims from victims affected by the October 25th 2012 flood.

Liddle uged all residents to help their less fortunate neighbours by donating money or volunteering to help with fund-raising efforts.  Every bit helps.

We’re making it as easy as possible for everyone to contribute”, Liddle said. “Donations can be made at both banking institutes in town,  as well as the Munipality of Wawa” Donations can also be made at the Wawa Disaster Relief Office in Wawa, at 96 Broadway.  The Committee expects to contact other Municipalities and major business across the province in hope to raise much needed funds.

The Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program applies once a disaster has been declared.  The province will contribute as required, up to two dollars for each dollar raised by the Wawa  Disaster Relief Committee.

The program is intended to alleviate hardship suffered by private homeowners and small business.  Privately-owned non-essential property such as cottages and insured losses are not eligible.

Liddle said the committee will be accepting claims for losses until April 30, 2013.  Anyone seeking more information on submitting a claim or would like to help with the fund raising campaign can call 705.856.2658, or email WawaDisasterRelief@yahoo.ca.  You can also visit the Wawa Disaster Relief office which is located at 96 Broadway Ave. Wawa, Ontario.

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