Chinese New Year & the Year of the Snake

by Kerry Foster, Echo Bay, ON

chinese-year-snakeSunday February 10th is Chinese New Year, a celebration of the oldest civilization on the earth today.  China was once called “The Land Of The Divine”.  For thousands of years, Emperors ruled this vast land with the honour and wisdom that came from principles of virtue and morality.  It is believed that the rich culture of the people was divinely imparted, meaning that arts like painting, dance and music were inspired to keep people connected to the truth and beauty of the heavens.  Unfortunately, much of this cultural and spiritual heritage was destroyed during the “Cultural Revolution” in China.  Millions were killed and countless monuments and temples were destroyed.  This has not, however, stopped a large number of Chinese people across the world from carrying on these artistic traditions.  There is a magnificent show that tours the world called “Shen Yun” (Divine Performing Arts).  Shen Yun is a non-profit organization that brings the beauty of traditional Chinese dance, music and artistry to the stage.  It has been seen and loved by millions of people across the world.  If you get a chance, don’t miss it.  Here is the link.   (Once there, scroll down for video clips).

“The most extraordinary cultural show I’ve ever seen and experienced… The sense of divinity, spirituality, and good values—those things for me were very transcendental, very inspirational… It transported me back in time… of a beautiful, wonderful, quintessential Chinese culture…”   – Dr. Cyril Dabydeen, author, professor, and critic

“Revealing, touching, liberating, beautiful, vivid, really kind of heart-wrenching, too… I cried… It’s shows like this that can open up more Americans to what I will say is the true traditional spirit of Chinese culture, especially the spiritual beliefs and practices that make China the China I know from studying religion… I think this is exactly what Americans need to see, and to realize the difference between the communist party and the Chinese [people].”   – Dr. James Powell, Professor, Madison Wisconsin

The Year Of The Snake

In Chinese culture, the snake is associated with beauty, wisdom, esoteric knowledge and spiritual discovery.  The Chinese Lunar Calendar is often used for fortune telling based on the Four Pillars of Destiny and the Five Basic Elements – metal, water, wood, fire and earth, which ancient Chinese physics calls the basic components of everything in the universe.  The relationship between the five elements is used to make predictions.  The Year of the Snake 2013 is symbolized by two elements – with water sitting on top of fire.  As water is the destroyer of fire, this may mean a year of overcoming conflict or struggle and a peaceful period ahead.  In previous Snake years we have seen the Tiananmen Square Massacre in China and the Fall of the Berlin Wall symbolizing the end of Communism in Europe.

With the current genocide of FalunGong taking place in China, the numerous lawsuits around the world against top Communist Officials for Crimes Against Humanity, and the surge of Chinese citizens withdrawing their memberships from the Communist Party, the Youth League and the Young Pioneers (the current number now at 132 million), it seems we are in the midst of a peaceful resistance and a reclaiming of China by the people.  Could we predict the fall of Communism in China to occur this coming year?  I encourage everyone to take a look at the uncensored news pouring out of China today and decide for yourself.  It is my sincere hope that the horror of Communism takes its final bow on the world stage and the good people of China reclaim a cultural heritage of 5,000 years based on the ancient principles of kindness and harmony between heaven and earth.

I sincerely wish everyone a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year.


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