Online Educational Needs Assessment Survey Closing on July 17

MARATHON, ON –  The Marathon and District Community Adjustment Committee (MDCAC) would like to thank everyone for participating in our Educational assessments — your contributions are very valuable! For those individuals that could not make the session, it is not too late to voice your opinion. The MDCAC would like to remind residents of Marathon, Pic River, and Pic Mobert to take the online Educational Needs Assessment survey. The survey is entirely anonymous and takes about 10-15 minutes.

“Feedback from the survey is essential if we’re going to develop a plan that really meets the training needs of our region,” said Joy Bott, Chair of the MDCAC.

The survey, which was released in May, asks about past education, as well as future plans for school and work. “We’re trying to get the most accurate picture we can of the skills inventory in our area,” said Carolyn Burton-Owen, MDCAC Coordinator. “This will help us focus resources on the training priorities that give us the biggest bang for the buck.”

The survey will be closing on July 17 at noon. Please go to and click on the “Take Survey” icon to have your say on education in the region. A survey aimed specifically at local industry and employers will be released later in July.

The Marathon and District Community Adjustment Committee is funded by the Government of Ontario.

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