Written by Our Lady of Lourdes on 12 June 2012
Mrs. Gillman explains to her students what they are seeing on the data screen. Photo OLOL
MANITOUWADGE, ON – At Our Lady of Lourdes School, solar panels were installed to create energy for our school. A large television creen tracks the amount of energy created by our solar panels every day. Students from Mrs. Gillman’s grade 5 class wanted to investigate data management in a new way.
Every morning, they recorded how much energy was created by the sun, recorded the temperature, humidity, wind speed and precipitation. They gathered actual data from Our Lady of Lourdes and took it back to their classroom, then plotted it on a chart, in bar graphs and line graphs. They were excited to see how much energy was created every day. Some days the sun shone, and much energy was created. Some days there was no data and they found out that the solar panels had been covered with snow.
In visiting the data television screen every day, the grade 5’s fulfilled Data Management assignments for Math, as well as, Science requirements in Energy and Weather.
Tags: catholic education, catholic education northwestern ontario, catholic elementary school, catholic school manitouwadge ontario, create energy, Data Management, education, elementary education, energy, Grade 5 class, Manitouwadge community newspaper, manitouwadge daily news, manitouwadge daily newspaper, manitouwadge elementary school, Manitouwadge local news, manitouwadge news, manitouwadge newspaper, Manitouwadge Ontario community newspaper, Manitouwadge Ontario daily news, Manitouwadge Ontario daily newspaper, Manitouwadge Ontario dailys newspaper, Manitouwadge Ontario Elementary School, Manitouwadge Ontario local news, Manitouwadge Ontario news, math, Mrs. Gillman, Mrs. Gillman’s grade 5 class, Northwestern community newspaper, Northwestern daily news, Northwestern daily newspaper, Northwestern local news, northwestern news, Northwestern newspaper, Northwestern Ontario, northwestern ontario community newspaper, northwestern ontario daily news, northwestern ontario daily newspaper, Northwestern Ontario dailys newspaper, Northwestern Ontario local news, Northwestern Ontario News, OLOL, OLOL SOlar panels, our lady of lourdes school, Our Lady of Lourdes School solar panels, science, SNCDSB, solar energy, solar energy data, solar energy Our Lady of Lourdes School, solar panel, solar panels, studying solar energy, Superior North Catholic District School Board, weather
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