Growing Wings at MPS

Photos MPS

Manitouwadge Public School News

MANITOUWADGE, ON – For some time now the students have been nurturing some very important guests at MPS.  Our Environmental Club has been monitoring and studying the development of the butterflies from larvae to those beautiful, colorful creatures that everyone is so excited to see. [CLICK HERE for intial butterfly project article]

Our students have named the little caterpillars, fed them oranges, gave them flowers to rest on and made them a part of our school community.  These little flying creatures have been the centre of attention in our library even though they became the teachers’ ‘excuse’ to help the students learn – while they tracked and took notes on their development.  On the first sunny day of the week, the excited ‘parents’ of these butterflies gathered outside the school to release them into their natural environment.  There were so many cries of excitement as each butterfly flitted out of the cage and flew free for the first time in their life!

Another project well done and well learned at MPS!



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