La Sainte-Catherine at Our Lady of Lourdes

Life at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

Pulling "La Tire" (known as pull-taffey in English). Photo OLOL

MANITOUWADGE, ON – Friday afternoon, November 25th, students gathered in their school families to celebrate a cultural event known as “LaSainte-Catherine”.

Saint Catherine is the patron saint of young girls, teachers, librarians, and unmarried women.  She lived in the 4th century, and was executed for refusing to marry the emperor.

In the early days of colonization, France sent members of the religious order to assist with education and medical care.  Sister Marguerite Bourgeoys was one of the sisters who came to Canada to educate young girls.  In fact, she was the very first teacher in Canada.  She used an old barn as a school house where her students would learn to read and write, as well as the life skills required to live in this new land.  Every year, on November 25th,  following the French tradition, Sister Marguerite would make a taffee, known as “La tire” for her students.  This attracted the young Native girls, and they also, could receive an education.

At OLOL, we honoured the memory of Saint Catherine and of Marguerite Bourgeoys, as we celebrate la Sainte Catherine in our own special way.  Students rotated to a variety of centres, where they made hats, butter, jewellery, they danced “La Bastringue”, engaged in songs, and enjoyed some “tire”, made by some wonderful volunteers.

Sainte Catherine’s Celebration Recipes


To make butter, use approximately a 1/4 cup heavy cream and 1/8 tsp salt; combine in small jar (OLOL Students used small baby food jars); shake vigorously until butter begins to solidify. Pour out liquid. Spread on crackers, bread, ect. YUM!

To make 1cup butter w/food processor, use 2 cups heavy cream and 1/4 teaspoon salt.  Pour cream into food processor or blender, process for 10 minutes, or until the butter separates. Strain off the liquid. Press butter into a small bowl with the back of a spoon to further remove liquid.

TIRE (Pull Taffey)

  • 2 cups malasses
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tbsp vinager
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  1. Bring molases, sugar, water, butter and vinagre to a boil until taffee hardens when dropped in water.
  2. Add soda, stir and pour onto buttered plates.
  3. Stretch (pull) and cut.
  4. ENJOY!

Volunteers work at preparing 'La Tire'. Photo


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