Written by Our Lady of Lourdes on 04 October 2011
Terry Fox Walkers - Photo courtesy OLOLTerry Fox Walkers - Photo courtesy OLOLTerry Fox Walkers - Photo courtesy OLOL
Terry Fox Walkers - Photo courtesy OLOL
MANITOUWADGE, ON – Wednesday, September 28th was designated as the National Terry Fox School Walk to support research for Cancer. Each year the organization supplies the school with a participation kit, which includes documentation on Terry’s courageous battle with cancer; as well, stickers, participation certificates for each student, and a T-shirt to be raffled are included in the kit. Students at OLOL gathered in their school families to participate in the Terry Fox Walk. Several parents and extended family members joined us at the school. The lucky winner of the Terry Fox T-shirt was Mariah Sutherland; proudly wearing the shirt, Mariah lead the walk, with Constable John Hatch escorting the group to ensure everyone’s safety. Upon their return to school, everyone enjoyed a hot dog lunch. Donations by the students totalled $213.25. Thank you to Mrs. Milks and Mme Campbell for organizing this event.
In recognition for our yearly participation, a 5-year banner was awarded to the school by the Terry Fox Research Foundation. The banner reads:
Tags: cancer research, Catholic Education in Manitouwadge, Catholic education manitouwadge ontario, Catholic Education Northern Ontario, catholic education northwestern ontario, fundraiser cancer research, lake superior newspaper, manitouwadge catholic school, Manitouwadge community newspaper, manitouwadge daily news, manitouwadge daily newspaper, manitouwadge elementary school, Manitouwadge local news, manitouwadge news, manitouwadge newspaper, Manitouwadge Ontario community newspaper, Manitouwadge Ontario daily news, Manitouwadge Ontario daily newspaper, Manitouwadge Ontario news, manitouwadge ontario newspaper, northern ontario, northern ontario daily, northern ontario daily newspaper, northern ontario newspaper, northshore daily news, northshore daily newspaper, northshore news, Northshore newspaper, northwestern ontario daily news, Northwestern Ontario News, northwestern ontario newspaper, OLOL Terry Fox Walk, ontario daily newspaper, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, SNCDSB, Superior North Catholic District School Board, Terry Fox, Terry Fox Foundation, Terry Fox National School Walk, Terry Fox National School Walk 2011, Terry Fox Research Foundation, Terry Fox Run 2011
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