Manitouwadge Residents Get SHOT by TBDHU + Health Team Offers Additional Clinics

Manitouwadge residents wait patiently for their flu shots, the mood was amicable and people accepted the 90 minute wait as very reasonable. Photo

Manitouwadge Public Health Nurse Shirley Saasto-Stopyra administers a flu shot at the October 19th clinic. Photo

MANITOUWADGE, ON – Wednesday, October 19th, residents took advantage of the opportunity to receive free flu shots from the Thunder Bay District Health Unit at a clinic which took place at the Manitouwadge High School auditorium.  Volunteers from the Manitouwadge General Hospital Ladies’ Auxilliary staffed clerical positions, providing forms, keeping paper work sorted and directing attendees to keep people flowing through to receive their flu shot from one of 4 nurses administering the vaccination at stations behind a large divider at the front of the room which provided recipients with a level of privacy while they were being injected.

Early estimates were impressive, approximately 400 people receiving their free 2011 influenza virus vaccination during the 3 or so hours the clinic was open with reports from recipients of wait times being kept under 90 minutes for the most part – impressive when considering the minimum amount of time required for nurses to sanitize their hands, prepare the injections, confirm personal information with recipients, administer the injection and then begin again.

As for those waiting the mood was positive and relaxed in the auditorium. Young children were very well behaved and seemd well prepared, adults took the opportunity to socialize with neighbours and friends, some of whom they might not otherwise connect with now that colder temperatures have begun keeping people indoors more than just a month ago.

Just like any other flu seasons, this year’s vaccine contains the unactivated, or dead, version of three viruses.  The vaccine is available to everyone over the age of 6 months at no cost to the recipient; a preventative measure by the provincial government (with the help of Ontario health units). The province of Ontario has stocked enough flu vaccine for everyone and they recommend that everyone get protected with a flu shot. However, those groups at higher risk of complications are strongly recommended to get a flu shot.

Those who are at a higher risk of complications

  • People, of any age, with a chronic illness
  • People over the age of 65
  • People who live in nursing homes or other chronic care homes
  • Healthy children who are between 6 and 23 months
  • Healthy pregnant women (risk increases with length of pregnancy; higher risk in third vs second trimester)

Anyone who cares for someone who is at higher risk for complications

  • Health care workers in hospitals and other care facilities

  • People who live with or take care of someone who is at high risk from complications
  • People who live with or take care of an infant under 6 months; infants can’t get the flu shot
  • People who live with someone expecting a new born during flu season
  • People who give care to children under 2 years or 24 months.

Providing the shots helps ensure the majority of residents receive the vaccine and can keep numbers down in regards to those who do become ill with the flu, potentially leading to hospital emergency rooms being congested but also incredibly important for those groups, as listed above, which are identified as people being at higher risk of developing serious complications from the influenza virus.


Those who were not able to attend the flu clinic at the Manitouwadge High School have 2 more opportunities to attend flu shot clinics where appointments are not required to receive the influenza vaccination.

The Manitouwadge Family Health Team will be hosting two upcoming community flu shot clinics. The first clinic will take place this week onWednesday, October 26th from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm with the second clinic taking place next week, on Wednesday, November 2nd from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. Appointments are not required for these clinics being held at the Family Health Team office, located in the Manitouwadge General Hospital (in the office next to where the Manitouwadge Diabetes Health and Wellness Program was previously located).

Flu shots are ALSO AVAILBLE BY APPOINTMENT at the Manitouwadge Family Health Team office by calling 826-3174 during regular business hours Monday through Friday.



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