Letter to the Editor – Marathon Candidates’ Debate

It was standing room only Wednesday at the United Church in Marathon where Candidates' Night was held. Photo OntarioNewsNorth.com 2011

Dear Editor,

RE: Candidates Debate on Wed., Apr.6, 2011

                I was impressed that citizens from across the Northwest were interested enough to attend the debate in Marathon and was glad to see that issues were discussed and addressed.

                However, I was dismayed by the lack of participation by the duly elected Mayor and Councils of the Northwest. I only saw Mayor R. Dumas of Marathon in attendance. Would that not have been a good time to address our local issues and concerns?  I was particularly disheartened knowing that area politicians will attend conferences in Ottawa or Toronto at taxpayer’s expense and will not take the initiative to know their potential local MP at a function in a nearby community. Opportunity was wasted and now, will our local politicians need extra days to introduce themselves and address the issues at future conferences. Let’s hope not!

Tina Morrill


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