Junior Kindergarten Students Prepare for Easter

JK & SK friends off to enjoy recess!

Mrs. Milks' students studied the Stations of the Cross in depth for weeks preparing for Easter. This could be a difficult topic to discuss with 4 and 5 yr old children but Mrs. Milks' experience allowed it to be introduced to them in a way they could understand, focusing on the joy of Jesus' resurrection.(Click photo for an article & photos by Melanie Glaister about how they learned what they shared with others).

MANITOUWADGE, ON – Last week, Our Lady of Lourdes elementary school was a very busy place as the students and staff prepared to celebrate Easter and Jesus’ rising from the dead after crucifiction.  Mrs. Milks’ Junior Kindergarten class and Ms. McCauley’s Senior Kindergarten class were among those working diligently to learn more about this important celebration, prepare themselves for it and of course, fit in plenty of the fun also associated with Easter.

WOW! How Phoenix's ears have grown this year!

Wednesday in Mrs. Milks’ class, the JK’s made bunny bags to hold any surprises they may need to carry as there had word around the class that they might receive a special visit from a certain long-eared, furry-pawed celebrity.  Students also decorated Easter eggs, dipping them into a special mixture of food colouring, water and vegetable oil, as you will hear in the video, Mrs. Milks’ friend Owen was the first to take note that more than the eggs had been dyed and Mrs. Milks was no doubt curious to see her friends return today to learn whether they had all been successful in wearing off the dye on their hard working little hands.

Owen was the first to realize that the eggs were not the only thing that had been dyed, Mrs. Milks joked with her friends that their hands may not come clean 'til Easter!

Richard is very focused, deciding which colour will be the next dip for his egg.

Mrs. Milks works as Emily's assistant while she dips and dyes her eggs like a seasoned crafter.

Emeraude wasted no time choosing which colour would come next.


Thursday morning (April 20th) the students joyfully walked the steps of Jesus with a special presentation in the prayer atrium, read about that and see photos thanks to an article from Mme. Glaister by CLICKING HERE.

In the computer room, JK & SK students at OLOL use technology to practice their reading skills while becoming very familiar with computers.

Thursday afternoon, returning from the computer room to their individual classes, the Junior and Senior kindergarten students had a wonderful surprise when they realized the special guest they had been expecting had indeed made an appearance, though he was no longer there he had left behind plenty of eggs and treats as well as a considerable mess of painted-paw prints that the children were not certain Mrs. Haliski would approve of (she did peek in during the excitement and seemed quite pleased to see her JK & SK friends having so much fun and not at all concerned with the mess – what a great sport!).

Mrs. Milks' helpers fell asleep while waiting and the Easter Bunny took advantage of this to leave treats and play in the paint!

Richard warmed up his egg-finding muscles and now counted the treats he found preparing to share them with the class.

After the fun of the hunt, Mrs. Milks has her friends pool their surprises and re-distributes, ensuring each of her friends receive an equal share.

OLOL’s Kindergarten friends were definately well prepared for their Easter weekend celebrations with family and friends and well informed as to the reasons Christians celebrate Easter, however, they also had a very important reason to look forward to their return to school as well. The students had begun incubating eggs earlier in the month and the eggs, residing in Ms. McCauley’s class, are scheduled to hatch any day, possibly even during the weekend. OntarioNewsNorth.com (ONN) left a recorder with Ms. McCauley and Mrs. Milks in case a weekend birth occured, that they would be able to record the even both for their students and to share with ONN readers. We will keep you posted in regards to developments with the soon to be chicks.

Principal Diane Nelson, Mrs. Milks, Ms. McCauley and the staff and students at Our Lady of Lourdes offered readers from Manitouwadge, the Northshore & Greenstone a very Happy Easter, reminding everyone to travel safely. OntarioNewsNorth.com wishes everyone a Happy Easter as well, Joyeuse Pâques à tous les habitants de la rive Nord et de Greenstone!

Bunny painted paw prints and treasures EVERYWHERE!!

A Bunny-Bag class portrait displays hard work and plenty of artistic talent.



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