Nipigon/Schreiber OPP Weekend Review


NIPIGON, ON –During the weekend of December 17 to December 19, 2010 Nipigon and Schreiber Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to 26 calls for service and issued numerous Provincial Offence Notices.  Officers conducted five R.I.D.E. checks and investigated one motor vehicle collision.

December 19 Nipigon OPP responded to a complaint of a pickup truck that had left the roadway at Hwy 11 and 17, Township of Stirling.  Investigation revealed that the vehicle had been reported stolen from the City of Thunder Bay.  The 26 year old male driver of Rocky Bay, Ontario was arrested and returned to Thunder Bay City Police for being in possession of stolen property.  Nipigon OPP charged the driver for careless driving and drive while suspended contrary to the Highway Traffic Act.

HOLIDAY R.I.D.E. Checks in Region

Nipigon and Schreiber OPP officers will be conducting R.I.D.E. checks in the Town of Terrace Bay and Red Rock, as well as the rest of the patrol area.  The OPP is committed to keeping the highways and snowmobile trails safe.  Motorists are asked to do their part by taking responsibility for their driving.  When you drink, do not drive.  No one wants to remember their 2010 holiday season with a tragedy.

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