Building Investment Opportunities In Marten Falls

November 30, 2010

McGuinty Government Helping Community Prepare Ring of Fire Investment Opportunities

Marten Falls First Nation is preparing for what would result from developing the Ring of Fire.
With support from the Northern Communities Investment Readiness (NCIR) program, the First Nation will determine what kind of skills training will be required to develop the Ring of Fire. In addition, to help attract investors, they will also develop a comprehensive community profile, including:

  • A community asset inventory indicating how potential contractor needs can be met;
  • A land inventory to promote opportunities for business development; and
  • A labour force inventory describing the community’s available human resources and skills.
Developing the Ring of Fire and helping communities market their assets to investors is an important part of the province’s Open Ontario plan. This will help create significant economic development opportunities for a number of First Nation communities in the region and help create jobs in the area.


  • To date, well over $2 million in NCIR funding has been approved for 233 projects across Northern Ontario.
  • The province is supporting this initiative with $10,000 from the NCIR program.
  • Marten Falls First Nation is one of several communities that could benefit directly from extensive exploration and development in the Ring of Fire.
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