No New Fires in East or West Regions

West Fire Region

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

There were no new fires reported in the West Fire Region by the evening of August 04. There are four active fires in the region, one in the Red Lake District and three in the Sioux Lookout District. No problems are anticipated with these fires.

Recent rainfall in the region has reduced the fire hazard to low across most sectors.

Ontario is currently providing resources out of province. A total of 223 staff, including Ontario FireRangers, two Incident Management teams and overhead personnel, are assisting with escalated fire activity in British Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

These resources have been dispatched from both the West and East fire regions. Ontario will continue to assist British Columbia by providing 100 FireRangers and seven overhead staff on Thursday, August 5.

Resource requests are made through the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) which coordinates requests for additional fire fighting personnel and equipment between the provinces and even internationally when the fire situation is beyond that jurisdiction’s capacity.


East Fire Region

August 4, 2010

No new fires were confirmed on August 3. There are nine active fires burning in the East Fire Region; all of which are contained or being monitored. The fire hazard is forecasted to remain low to moderate over the next few days with a mix of sun and cloud and a chance of scattered thundershowers.

The East Fire Region sent fire crews and personnel to British Columbia and Saskatchewan on August 1 to assist with their forest fire firefighting efforts. In total, 107 fire personnel departed from the East Fire Region.

Be FireSmart, visit for more information on how to prevent forest fires.

Residents are reminded that if found responsible for a forest fire, they can be charged under the Forest Fires Prevention Act and/or be liable for the costs of suppressing the fire. This cost can easily run into the tens of thousands of dollars.

To view the current forest fire hazard in your area, CLICK HERE to view the Fire Danger Map.

310-FIRE (3473)

 is the new, toll-free emergency forest fire reporting phone number across northern Ontario. The number will operate north of the French and Mattawa Rivers.


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