MTWDGE Turn off the Screens Week Info


Coming Soon!! Turn Off the Screens Week –
June 7th – 13th

Watch for your child’s Tracking Sheet and Calendar of Events being sent home soon from your child’s school! 


MANITOUWADGE's 2010 Turn off the Screens Week is coming soon!

    The Thunder Bay District Health Unit – Manitouwadge Branch along with many community partners want to get the message out to parents that they play an important role in their child’s motivation to live healthy. Kids need help to stay focused and on track. Research shows that parents who set a healthy and active example tend to have healthy and active kids.

    The benefits of regular physical activity and a healthy diet include lowering the risk of becoming overweight, maintaining healthy muscles and bones, increasing energy levels and decreasing risks of health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.  

Did you ‘Pause to Play’ today?

Did you know that Canadian children spend more than 35 hours in front of a screen every week, and that more than 90% began watching TV before their 2nd birthday? The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends no more than 2 hours of screen time per day for school age children, and children under 2 should have none at all. 

    Here are some helpful ways to curb your family’s screen time and encourage family fun activity instead:

§    Take part in all the events possible during Turn Off The Screens Week!

§     Make up a family screen time schedule with your children;

§      Let them have a say and post it where everyone can see;

§      Be a good role model;

§      Set a good example by limiting your own screen time.  You are the most important role model in your child’s life;

§     Create screen-free bedrooms;

§      Put TVs and computers in a common area in your home so you can keep an eye on your child’s screen time and the content of their favourite shows, video games, and websites;

§     Get active as a family;

§     Go for a family bike ride;

§     Plant a garden, or ;

§     Stay inside and have a family games night with an active game like Twister;

Don’t forget to submit your tracking sheet to the school office on Monday, June 14th and YOU COULD WIN an awesome prizes including a $100 valued Sports Pack

Call Jackie at the Health Unit @ 826-4061 for more info.

 To read about some of the fun frm last year’ Turn Off the Screens Week, visit:

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