Cdn Borel Forest Agreement signed

McGuinty Government Encouraged At Spirit Of Cooperation

The Ontario government is encouraged to see environmental groups and forest companies working together to help develop a plan that would lead to both a healthy and a prosperous Canadian forest.

The historic Canadian Boreal Forest Agreement, signed today between the Forest Products Association of Canada and the environmental community, is an exercise in cooperation that will ultimately benefit Ontario’s Crown forests.

This agreement recognizes the important balance between economic development and environmental sustainability in this sector.


  • Ontario’s forest sector is a key component of the province’s economy and is the second largest industrial sector in the province. In total, it supports almost 200,000 direct and indirect jobs in over 260 Ontario communities.
  • Ontario forests represent two per cent of the world’s total and are home to approximately 85 billion trees. Of the 71 million hectares of forested land in Ontario, fifty-seven million, or 80 per cent, are publicly owned and known as Crown forest.
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