Ontario Youth Volunteer Challenge


McGuinty Government Supports Third Annual ChangeTheWorld Campaign

Book & Sporting Goods drive kicks off 3rd Annual Change the World Challenge

High school students across Ontario are being challenged to “change the world” while earning the volunteer hours they need for graduation.

The ChangeTheWorld – Ontario Youth Volunteer Challenge is an annual call to young people to volunteer. The challenge starts during National  Volunteer Week, April 18 – 24, and ends on May 9. This year’s goal is to have 10,000 youth, aged 14 to 18, volunteer three hours during the three weeks. 

In its third year, ChangeTheWorld is a partnership between the government of Ontario and the Ontario Volunteer Centre Network. Twenty-one  participating volunteer centres are organizing local volunteer activities for high school students. 


  • High school students in Ontario are required to volunteer 40 hours as part of their graduation requirement.
  • More than 5 million people in Ontario annually donate 800 million hours of their time to volunteer activities.


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