News Authors at

New Authors at

by Karina Hunter, Editor/Publisher

I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to some new contributors at  Recently I was joined by some regional neighbours who will be posting news and events coverage from their respective communities.    

Mr. Sean Irwin is the  Special Projects Co-ordinator for the Township of Terrace Bay. He has worked extensively on the community’s website and continues finding new and innovative ways to promote the Township.  He was among those who spearheaded the linking of Terrace Bay and Schreiber’s website which includes shared pages such as the job bank, business directory and Health Care Recruitment just to name a few.  Through this partnership they have increased their advertising budget, accessibility to services for residents and ranking on search engines.

I am excited to welcome Sean onto where he will be providing news and events coverage for Terrace Bay and ensuring that Northwestern Ontario neighbours are aware of the great things happening in his community! 

An example of Sean's work, he put this banner together especially for use on will soon include updates from Dorion's Canyon Country Birding Festival thanks to Susan Fagan.

Mrs. Susan Fagan is a birding enthusiast from where else but Dorion, Ontario home of the largest Birding Festival in Northern Ontario.  Susan volunteers for Dorion’s Canyon Country Birding Festival (coming up May 15th & 16th) and will be contributing festival updates as well as events coverage for Dorion & area when time permits (volunteers are busy people!).

A very sincere Thank You to both Susan and Sean for their interest in, I’m excited to have you join our team of authors and look forward to reading your contributions! 

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