Community Branding
Branding Red Rock
from SNCFDC Regional Update Feb.2010
A Superior Treasure, that’s how the people of Red Rock and others perceive the town after a highly participatory contest was held and “Discover Red Rock… Superior Treasure” was selected as the town’s official tag-line. Based on this befitting tag-line, supporting brand materials are being developed that will reflect Red Rock and create familiarity. The most prevalent component of the branding will be a new series of highway signage.
Large lighted signs will be erected strategically on highway 11/17 with additional directional signage on highway 628 and at the Red Rock Marina. Advertisements, promotional material, and other print and digital media will begin to appear with a very distinguishable [brand] tie to Red Rock. The town is becoming known far and wide as a Lake Superior treasure well worth the trip down the Red Rock Road to visit.
Don’t bother looking for Red Rock’s new highway signs, they’ll find you.