Manitouwadge Snowmobile Club ready to ride!


Manitou Sno-Drifters looking forward to colder days

by Karina Hunter

Sno-Drifrs President, Phil Leduc (far left) addresses the group with his 'President's Report'.

Sno-Drifrs President, Phil Leduc (far left) addresses the group with his 'President's Report'.

The Manitou Sno-Drifters had their first meeting of the season last week as the executive gladly welcomed a number of snowmobiling volunteers back to the table including sledders who had been an integral part of the club’s Annual Snow-Drag Races during Frosty Days in past years. The Sno-Drags which bring important tourism dollars in to our community are not yet confirmed for this year as the club is in dire need of more volunteers. Among volunteer positions currently open within the club is the role of Secretary.  The position of Secretary for the Sno-Drifters represents a great opportunity for anyone wanting to beef up either their resume or college/university application as volunteerism especially as an executive member of an organization, can impress potential employers and, in today’s competitive job market, might be what puts you ahead of another person competing for the same job.   

It was exciting to see solid attendance at the meeting after Sno-Drifters numbers had waned some years back.  Some of those new or returning to the
group credit the new executive, President Phil Leduc, Vice-President Ron Jung and Treasurer Peter Lacey, and the many projects they have successfully brought to completion with sparking renewed interest in the group.  At the meeting, Ron Jung gave a media/marketing presentation which highlighted the Manitou Sno-Drifters more recent accomplishments, among these were: completion of the Nama Bridge project which, in August, saw two bridges finally installed across the Nama Creek after a decade of obstacles; the re-opening of the West Loop – D110A from Manitouwadge to Runnels Lake after being closed for several years; the NOSSA office relocation to Manitouwadge; Sno-Drifters garage improvements and purchase of a private fuel tank; Two Tucker Sno Cats grooming Sno-Drifter trails last season; enticing the Marathon Sno Kickers to ride their Poker Run to Manitouwadge; completion of the Ramsey Pit Bypass; completion of Stillwell Road Trail clean-up and transfer of the “C” trail to Longlac’s Snowmobile Club.  Also included in Jung’s presentation was a summary of the economic activity generated by the club during the past season. Jung noted that in 2009 over $50,000 was spent locally for fuel, materials and labour, one full time job was created through the relocation of NOSSA and Manitouwadge was promoted in several national and international magazines including SnoGoer magazine, Supertrax magazine and Michigan Snowmobiler.  The implications of media focusing on the club’s trails and the great condition of these are of course innumerable as television programs continue to feature Manitouwadge long after their visits here as do magazines when familiarization and media tours include the town as either a stop or a stay-over. 

The club did not linger on past successes however, after Jung’s presentation they moved on, eager to discuss current and future projects.  These included the never-ending task of trail maintenance and upgrade. In his report President Phil Leduc explained the need to have the NOSSA map laminated and posted at trail intersections wanting a renewed emphasis on snowmobiling tourists coming into the downtown core rather than just driving past the area on Sno-Drifters trails, a local business person in attendance at the meeting requested the opportunity to submit a quote on the lamination work which was welcomed by Leduc; he also introduced the logistics and benefits of having local trails upgraded to TOPs trails identifying efforts already underway towards this end and the order in which the club would be applying for new status of every local trail {please note ‘local trails’ do not refer to trails in town limits but refers to the label given by the OFSC to trails surrounding Manitouwadge, where OFSC signs are clearly posted, and the dollar amount the club is given per Km for maintenance/grooming of these}; and also gave a thorough report on ongoing and upcoming projects.   

North of Superior Snowmobile Association (NOSSA) Administrative Director, Chris Leduc updated the club on happenings at the district level, including her hopes to have future NOSSA meetings held in Manitouwadge a change that would be logical after last season’s relocation of the office to the Manitouwadge Recreation Centre.  

There was a wealth of information and many new ideas shared at this meeting, more so than can be listed here. Suffice to say that if you do not want to miss out on everything happening within the club’s it is important to attend their regular meetings. If you would like to meet new people who share your love of snowmobiling, be active in the creation, maintenance and improvement of snowmobile and multi-use trails in the area, or participate in activities which encourage tourism in our community, the Sno-Drifters welcome you to join them at KG’s the 2nd Monday of every month for their regular meetings.

Submitted to The Echo, 11.01.09   

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