Sun.Cont. – Emeraude Golfing
Sunday, June 7th, after our Perry Lake adventures, as I mentioned, Lloyd carried me out, I was due for an injection. I brought Lloyd to the High School as he had volleyball then I drove directly to Vickie’s (my wonderful driver/friend) and picked her up, (her children were out camping for the weekend) then went to the ER. It went reasonably well (although it definetely could have been faster) and we were out and on our way home.
Emeraude’s would next have her first time out on the golf course for the year (although she has practiced in the yard, quite intent on having proper form when swinging 🙂 )I wanted some photos.
Emeraude had asked to go golfing with her Dad, because she had been splashing around on the Perry Lake walk, in spite of having worn rubber boots which I had packed in her backpack; I had suggested that she go home and play on her new playground until I returned from MGH. He has been quite rude in the last couple months and though I have asked repeatedly that he knock and wait (rather than walk into my home, last week doing so although my van was gone and he thought there was no one home – he walked around a corner and almost into Lloyd who had not heard him come in – not sure what he intended doing so but I certainly did NOT appreciate it) he continues to walk into my house, interupting whatever activity we have on the go and almost always walking out pouting or making rude comments… ANYWAYS, I asked Vickie if she would mind, as her kids were not at home waiting, sticking around as I changed Emeraude until they would be on their way; she did thankfully and everything went smoothly.
She seemed to have a great time and was in a great mood when she returned about 90 minutes later, so I was very happy for her to have had such a nice day, and the opportunity to golf on the course as I am not certain when I will finally be able to do physical activity (without being terrified of the pain it might inflict knowing my doctor will NOT give adequate dosing to deal with any such pain) and follow her around the course myself 🙂 … I am not a golfer but do love to follow either of my kids around the course (Lloyd is a great golfer) as they enjoy themselves. I am good at being the cart driver – this is my job with Emeraude; or the waitress/cook – my job with Lloyd is to bring good snacks and fresh cold beverages lol