Thunder Bay

So, I didn’t get around to bringing my van in to get fixed.  This is a HUGE problem as the garage is closed today and we should be leaving first thing in the morning (or tonight would’ve really been best).  I did get an offer from a friend to drive us which is really thoughtful!  Her husband is obviously super sweet too as he will be the one holding down the fort at her house with their own kids while we borrow his wife. Obviously,  to drive us requires a vehicle, lol so I still need to call Paul and see if there is any way he can look at the van.  I think she would probably drive us in her car but then I’d be stuck without transportation when we get to Thunder Bay, also it’s a little sports car so is difficult for me to get in and out of at times and doesn’t have a lot of room for the kids (I don’t think the back seat is made for 6′ tall people although I could be wrong). 

I think we will most likely be scrambling tomorrow, hoping that Paul (mechanic) has time to look at the van & fix it (assuming it doesn’t need any parts that would be ordered).  I’m feeling quite frustrated… This is one of the many reasons why I don’t travel when I’m not feeling well – just getting the logisitics of a trip figured out is quite exhausting, I feel like I could rest for 2 days and we haven’t even gone yet.

Just spoke to my Mom on the phone who said she would help with hotel costs. That is a huge deal as I need to stay 2 nights just to survive the trip. Things seem to be coming together which is really encouraging. 

We are going to stay at the Landmark. Darrell and I stayed their with the kids last year and I was very happy with it. There ‘big’ pool is heated and I was able to swim with Emeraude for the first time in years (the regular temperature of most public pools is way too cold for me and causes me a lot of additional pain in my bones) and I can’t wait to have the opportunity to do so again. I’ve been meaning to order swimwear for the kids for sometime now and had been waiting for sales @ . Lloyd has a swimsuit he can wear for this time but I’m pretty sure Emeraude’s old suit won’t fit her. This is dissapointing as I prefer to purchase things on my own schedule and having shopped for the right price as opposed to buying out of necessity and obligation. Hopefully they’ll have some reasonable prices/ modest suits at Old Navy in Thunder Bay.

The idea of driving around Thunder Bay is also causing me a great deal of anxiety.  I’m not fond of city driving and not feeling well, find it that much less appealing.  *sigh* I’ll get over it.

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